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PGA HOPE (Helping Our Patriots Everywhere) is the flagship military program of PGA REACH Nebraska, the charitable foundation of the Nebraska PGA. PGA HOPE introduces golf to Veterans to enhance their physical, mental, social and emotional well-being.



Currently, all the 2024 PGA HOPE programming has concluded. If you are interested in the 2025 PGA HOPE Nebraska schedule, please fill out the form below, and we will contact you when the schedule is released. For any questions, please contact Amber Bogle at 

PGA HOPE Nebraska Interest Form 


PGA HOPE is a 6-7-week program that provides military veterans with free golf experiences taught by PGA Professionals. Upon completing the program, Veterans are considered “graduates” and will remain engaged every year through other PGA HOPE activities and events provided by PGA REACH Nebraska.

Learning and playing the game of golf is a proven activity that has positively impacted thousands of veterans nationwide. PGA HOPE is a program that is truly making a difference, as golf has become a therapeutic part of the rehabilitation process for many veterans with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities.


What is PGA HOPE?

  • PGA HOPE is the flagship military program for the PGA REACH Nebraska, designed to introduce golf to veterans to enhance their physical, mental, social and emotional well-being.  As many veterans struggle with the transition back into civilian life, the game of golf delivers a new level of enjoyment and opportunity to be active in their local community.
  • PGA HOPE is a 6-7 week program that provides military veterans with free golf experiences taught by PGA Professionals. Upon completion of the program, Veterans are considered “graduates” and receive additional benefits such as engagement events,  discounts on green fees to local golf courses, and equipment.
  • There are currently over 180 PGA HOPE programs across the United States.

How does PGA HOPE help veterans?

  • Learning and playing the game of golf is a proven activity that has positively impacted thousands of wounded veterans nationwide. PGA HOPE is a program that is truly making a difference, as golf has become a therapeutic part of the rehabilitation process for many veterans with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities.

How is the program funded?

  • All PGA HOPE programming is fully funded by the PGA REACH Nebraska and PGA REACH. It is offered at NO COST for military veterans.

Who participates in PGA HOPE?

  • PGA HOPE is geared towards veterans with disabilities however is offered to all servicemen, servicewomen, and veterans.
  • Participants include military veterans living with physical or cognitive challenges such as:
    • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or the loss of limbs, among other challenges
  • PGA HOPE programming is closely aligned with local VA hospitals, as both strive to best meet the needs of all military veteran

Who teaches the program?

  • PGA Professionals provide expert golf instruction and are sometimes assisted by volunteers.
  • All PGA Professionals teaching PGA HOPE sessions are trained in adaptive golf methods to ensure they are comfortable instructing military veterans with disabilities.

For more information about PGA HOPE please reach out to Seth Scollard, PGA at

Official Store of PGA HOPE



PGA HOPE Nebraska Ambassadors

David Karl

U.S. Air Force

PGA HOPE Ambassador - 2019

Shawn Donald

U.S Marine Corps

PGA HOPE Ambassador - 2021

Amber Bogle

U.S Army/U.S Air Force

PGA HOPE Ambassador -2024